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  If you have any comments you can submit them here

[ 2014-10-16 ] :: Al
that jesus character is just another stupid south african racist black monkey who are punishing white ppl of today for what apartaid that their great grandfathers founded (just for you guys to know that apart aid was not a bad thing it gave every nation and race the freedome in their own areas....and by the way talking about natives black ppl of south africa are not the natives of the country...the natives are calle bushman and they never apear in the city untill now they dont care about money, power, politics....they\'re on their own.....so mothafcka dont acuse white ppl of that bull*** boerboels are kept in the farms in south africa to protect the farms from black savages like you......and i know many black ppl who are breeders of boerboels not only owners......and yea i know they train their dogs using a black savage to irritate the dog (they use savages because they all smell sntinken so the dog gets alerted as soon as they smell a savage like you as5hole
[ 2012-10-01 ] :: Duke
I hope so. Should actually be the best place for him !
[ 2012-09-26 ] :: Tilly
may jesus rot in the deepest darkest pit in hell!!!
[ 2012-09-03 ] :: Duke
Jesus is dead since 2012 Years ! You\'re just a very cheap copie.
[ 2012-09-03 ] :: Duke
Hey Jesus where are you ? does a Boerboel eat you up ??? Ha ha ha
[ 2012-09-03 ] :: Duke
Hey Jesus where are you ? does a Boerboel eat you up ??? Ha ha ha
[ 2012-09-02 ] :: Rudy
I work in a very sensitive surrounding, and my BB proof everyday his loyalty. Never bevor i had a Dog, who was so perfect in guarding and protecting.
[ 2012-09-01 ] :: Rudy
If you own a Boerboel, you\'re a lucky person. You will NEVER have a better and more loyal friend. I love Boerboels
[ 2012-03-24 ] :: Rudy
Hi Rob, i\'m from Switzerland and i\'m shocked about People like \"Jesus\". Such a holy name and such an unholy kind of thinking( Ha,ha). May somebody should really help him to get outta this cellar. At least i own a Boerboel. He\'s very friendly as long nobody makes troubles or try to go in his garden. A friendship like that you can\'t buy, you have to deserve it ! May Jesus don\'t. No idea.
[ 2012-03-24 ] :: Rudy
Hi Rob, i\'m from Switzerland and i\'m shocked about People like \"Jesus\". Such a holy name and such an unholy kind of thinking. May somebody should really help him to get outta this cellar. At least i own a Boerboel. He\'s very friendly as long nobody makes troubles or try to go in his garden. A friendship like that you can\'t buy, you have to deserve it ! May Jesus don\'t. No idea.
[ 2012-03-24 ] :: Rudy
Hi Rob, i\'m from Switzerland and i\'m shocked about People like \"Jesus\". Such a holy name and such an unholy kind of thinking. May somebody should really help him to get outta this cellar.
[ 2012-03-19 ] :: Rob
Haha Rudy, Nice comment! In Belgium and Austria they particularly lik to abuse and rape their own children. jesus, where are you from?
[ 2012-03-07 ] :: Rudy
Jesus, are you a racist? You sound like. Your attitude is very poor. You\' ve ever been in school? I\'m very sorry for you, that you grew up in a cellar without light. May you should change your thinking, and somebody should help you. You got friends they can help you? i don\'t think so. Sorry for you \"Jesus\".
[ 2012-01-21 ] :: Rob
Nice discussion guys! I have a Boerboel(female) and an Old English Mastiff (male). The Boerboel is dominating over the Mastiff, although when I feed them she keeps out of the way of the Mastiff, because eating is his aim in life. When a stranger (white man) tries to enter our garden, the Boerboel doesn\'t like it at all but does nothing. The Mastiff on the other hand wants to prove himself and will attack if the man realy does enter the garden. Both BoerBoel and Mastiif races are proud dogs that protect their family.
[ 2011-10-09 ] :: Alupinya
wow,you guys ***!I dont care if you lick windows,eat your buggers or plain sh**t yourselves your all f**king speacial!!! and dont let anyone tell you different.Boerboel are beautiful animals and I wont one!!!!
[ 2011-10-04 ] :: Obath
I\'ve had Boerboels for years people. I\'m a African native as you described, and let me tell you man they protect me from any person be their color dark or light. These dogs sense the fears of their master, they will learn who to thrust and who not. White people might fear blacks. I\'m keeping 1 yellow Boerboel en two black Boerboels, I\'ve not found any real difference and believe both to be the same dog breed. Great article! I\'m looking for one more yellow dogs at the moment. Greets from Bloemfontein.
[ 2011-09-28 ] :: Carnival
jesus, You are an outrageous person, sir, in the most negative sense that the English language will allow me to use. By your fallacious logic, you should be hung by your feet and slit open from navel to chin. Then cut down and fed to poodles. Why, you ask? Because your grandfather was a racist, a murderer, a rapist, or some combination of the three. Statistically, you have \"killer blood\" coursing through your veins somewhere. But we don\'t do that. Because we\'re civilized, intelligent human beings, with the ability to reason and decide that killing a son for the sins of the father is not only ineffective and pointless, it\'s also morally reprehensible. You\'re an idiot. And I hope your Pomeranian chews your toe off. (yeah yeah I know this is an ancient thread and \"jesus\" will never read this, but I don\'t care. His audacity pissed me off. :)
[ 2011-08-20 ] :: jimmy
what an ignorant ***, I have a boerboel, 2 years old now, best dog I\'ve ever had, racist dogs, dumb***, if that bull*** story is true the only thing it shows is that boerboels do what they are trained to do. if you train it to attack blacks it doesn\'t make it a racist dog. jack***.
[ 2011-03-04 ] :: Boerboel
jesus ,these dogs are no responsible for what the people do,should we kill all pitbulls and amstaffs then? If we did the same with people and their offspring there probably would be none left by now.
[ 2011-01-06 ] :: jesus
You must be aware that these dogs were bred by the cruel and repressive SA regime to attack and keep down the natives. In my opinion they are, as such, a dispicable breed of racist dogs, with an ingrained penchant for attacking blacks. I say it is best to kill every one of these dogs and roast them over an open fire. Feeding them back to the native population that they had victimized. They are best served with barbaque sauce.